Corporate Events
Office Holiday party -entertainment
Posted by: Phil|| Posted on: October 31, 2022

Why is Magic entertainment so popular for Office holiday parties? It may be because of all the media coverage from Penn & Teller -Fooled, to the new Chris Angle Stars of Magic with celebrities series. Men and women are intrigued with a mystery of fun illusions. The hand is quicker than the eye, a card changes to another card in the blink of an eye, or you watch as one of your co-workers have their minds read like and open book. Or perhaps, it’s the memories of our childhood when almost everything seemed like magic and we saw things through different eyes. I think magic allows us all to experience that sense of wonder that we did as children. “Now you see it, now you don’t” as you see a corporate magician make something disappear only to reappear in an unexpected place!
Whatever, your reason is why not enjoy some magic for your office holiday party in Maine, Boston, New Hampshire this Christmas season. For more ideas or information on how I can help make your company office party unforgettable visit: